Mum Attends Every Tournament For 3 Years To Motivate Her Pro Gamer Son

By Editorial team | May 12, 2018

As a gaming portal, we’ve covered many events and tournaments, from various games. League of Legends is definitely on our list and we love attending LOL events. One thing that really stood out for us was the presence of one lady. We’ve noticed her at every single LOL event / tournament. And by every, we mean every!

Turns out she’s the mum of QaspieL or Eric Sia Sze Pin, 23, who plays Jungler for Malaysia’s top LOL team Kuala Lumpur Hunters’ (KLH). We were amazed yet curious at her level of commitment so we decided to have a chat with her, and this is what she had to say about her son.

Brief intro
Meet Ms. Katherine Chang, a retired company secretary who is now an Organic Ginseng distributor.

Q1) We’ve seen you at almost all KLH events, do you make it a point to attend all their events?

Most definitely! Because I believe that my presence will directly or indirectly influence his emotions, plus knowing that his mom is always supportive of his gaming career really motivates him. I also believe that this gives him the inner strength and helps boost his positive mentality.

Q2) What was your first gaming event with your son?
My first event was at The Mines Shopping Mall. If I recall correctly it should be one of the The Legends Circuits way back in 2015.

Q3) Have you always been supportive of his gaming career?
Yes, since day one because gaming is his passion. In my opinion, as long as he has an interest in it – he will surely make it no matter what the obstacles! Plus a hobby that turns into a career is actually a blessing as this allows him to fulfill his full potential.

Q4) Where would you like to see his career go?
Any mother would want the very best for their child and I’m no exception. I would like to see him make it to the biggest international stages such as Worlds and achieve all his esports dreams.

Special thanks to Ms. Katherine for sharing these personal pics with us.

Q5) How do you play a part in his esports career?
While he focuses on sharpening his talents, I focus on his health. To be an international champion, he must have good health and I’ve catered a few simple and effective recipes that helps build his immune system. I’ve also taught him some basic recipes to help with his daily routine that keeps him going.

Q6) How would you explain his career to other parents?
This is a little tricky but I would usually elaborate that gaming is an electronic sport that will be included in the coming Olympic games.

Q7) If he wasn’t in esports, what would you like him to do?
Eric’s father was an accountant and auditor and he would have liked to see Eric follow his footsteps to be one.

Q8) Tell us one thing you’ve learnt about your son from gaming
I have learned that LOL is actually a team game and I strongly believe that having teamwork is better than only being good in solo games.

Throughout his whole career, I personally feel that Eric has really grown up mentally. Even faster than I’ve expected because he is now able to handle his emotions maturely and smarter in handling his career and his finances. This is also because of his experiences overseas.

Q9) Has he treated you to anything with the prize money? If not, we will have a word with him… (we joked)
Ever since he became financially independent, he pays for my groceries and treats me to yummy meals all the time. Even at his young age, he has treated his brothers and sisters to good meals! I’ve also received a big present from him for my birthday and Mother’s Day (she giggles in delight).

I am really happy and proud of his character and attitude towards the family. He is the son whom I’ve spent the least in his education and personal expenditure as he has enough savings and he insists on only using his own money.

Q10) What is your happiest moment with your son?
Eric and I are always busy with our own activities but even so, any time that we get to spend together is my happiest. I think one of my favourites would be whenever I’m asked to fetch him to places. Spending time in the car from one place to another provides us time to chat about anything related to family and I really enjoy that short bonding moment with him.

And lastly, what would you like to say to your son’s fans?
I would like to thank his and KLH’s fans for being so supportive of Eric and the team because this has made him a much better person to go further in his gaming career, to be a good son to me, and a good grandson to his grandmother. We are all very proud of his achievements in his esports career and we have the fans to thank!

On behalf of the MGO team, we would like to wish Ms. Katherine Chang and all the mums out there a very happy Mother’s Day!

Follow QaspieL’s esports journey here on his FB page and support the KLH team here.