Top 5 Worst Games Of 2018

By say.jeremykk | January 9, 2019

There’s at least a dozen horrible games for every good or great game that gets made. Some of them suffer from typical issues like wonky controls, bad graphics, and poor storytelling, while some are just plain…bad. Here’s what we think are the worst games of 2018:

Fallout 76

Hopefully the last time we beat an already-dead horse, Fallout 76 is tainted and nothing short of a disaster – and honestly a surprise coming from Bethesda, the developers of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, best known for their immersive world design and intricate storytelling. Despite being set in the already well-designed world of the Fallout series, the online-only Fallout 76 somehow managed to be more boring than watching paint dry. Lack of human NPCs and an uninspiring story behind the game, combined with plenty of performance issues, resulted in one of the worst possible launches in Triple-A game history – Bethesda are still apologizing and paying for the screw-up to this day. Hey, at least the poor souls who went and bought a copy of Fallout 76 players got a free copy of the Fallout Classic Collection as consolation.

The Quiet Man

The Quiet Man is the worst game of 2018 according to Metacritic. Looks like Square Enix came first in something this year, with this beat-em-up adventure game filled with problems. If only a high budget guaranteed a high quality product.

Super Seducer: How to Talk to Girls

Why a game like this was made is anyone’s guess. Supposedly the “world’s most realistic seduction simulator” (copied directly from the Steam store page, we swear we’re not making this up), Super Seducer claims to be able to teach any man to talk to – and ultimately seduce – any girl. In reality, Super Seducer is more likely to teach you to be a creep and/or scare people away. If this is your guide, go should probably seek professional help.

One Piece: Grand Cruise

One Piece: Grand Cruise is a PS VR experience into one of the greatest Japanese manga worlds – that was somehow made boring. As PlayStation Lifestyle put it, One Piece: Grand Cruise “feels like a trip aboard a dinghy rather than a pirate ship”. Ouch.


Hollow is a short horror game for the Switch that is simply too generic to be worth the price. Plagued by technical issues and clunky gameplay mechanics, this “horror” game is a horror to own.

Honorable Mention: Artifact

First off, Artifact is in no way is a bad game when it comes to gameplay and mechanics – in fact it’s actually quite good in these aspects. What makes Artifact so disappointing is the greedy and misguided monetization attempts by Valve – and (much to our surprise) how no one told them it was a bad idea before the game went live. For more on Artifact, find our 5 reasons we think it fails here.